Friday, April 20, 2012

Frustrating things that need to be sorted out [videos]

Watch the next two videos and you will se what I'm talking about. Quite frankly I don't understand why striker have to fu--ing stop when they are on a manifest chance to score, like this striker. Why did he freeze??? Why? It was a great chance for me to score!!! But no, the bloody striker suddenly stopped killing any chance of scoring..! Let me ask you something EA, do you really think this is realistic?!?!?!?!? Really?!?!?! This is anything but realistic!! and in FIFA happens too much!! I'm so sick of this!!

Now watch this.. this is priceless!! Just watch this defender... completely ignoring my command, chests the ball, EVENTHOUGH I ORDERED HIM TO CLEAR IT OUT!!

FIFA 11 the best game on the market??? HA HA Yeah right... the most stupid game on the market.. that's for sure.
|||In the first video, were you holding L2 (left trigger) when the ball arrived at the player? It looks like you told him to trap it.|||

In the first video, were you holding L2 (left trigger) when the ball arrived at the player? It looks like you told him to trap it.

Nope.. he did it automatically. It happens when you have a manifest chance to score.. I believe EA made it this way to give your opponent -and CPU- time to recover and make the game more "even".|||No, I doubt that very much. Besides, I'm not sure when being 50 yards from goal with two defenders to beat became a manifest chance to score.
The player thought that trapping the ball was necessary. Either because you told him to with L2/LT (and that's exactly what would happen if you did), or because he mistakenly thought that he had to reach out and gather the ball rather than running onto it. In which case it's a bug in the anims/ai that controls that sort of decision, not some unlikely conspiracy.
Off the top of my head I can't recall experiencing this myself; I'll keep an eye out for it.
The second video is annoying when it happens. Less frequently than in the World Cup game, fortunately. It's as if the defender decides too early that he's going to chest it, when you should have more opportunity to make a late panic clearance that overrides it.|||I usually point in the general direction of the ball for a smooth transition in such cases, because players do tend to stumble on the ball like that sometimes, but I can't say the above has happened to me when making a forward pass.
For the second one, it could be that the defender tried to volley it but by that time he lost possession. Generally speaking there should be a better way to differentiate between when you want to head the ball and when you want to volley it.|||Are you playing on assisted, that looks like your problem in the first video.|||

I usually point in the general direction of the ball for a smooth transition in such cases, because players do tend to stumble on the ball like that sometimes, but I can't say the above has happened to me when making a forward pass.
For the second one, it could be that the defender tried to volley it but by that time he lost possession. Generally speaking there should be a better way to differentiate between when you want to head the ball and when you want to volley it.

Totally agree, not just for shooting either but the amount of times I want to volley/cross it and he heads the ball, so annoying for me.|||Not to go off-topic, though it does relate the frustrations galloitaliano is talking about, I'm wondering what's the best way to go about implementing such differentiation between volleys and headers?
I remember on older FIFAs, if you hold the shoot button (or press it once) it'd be a header, and if you double tap the button (then hold the button if you like for more power/elevation) it'd be a volley. The direction of where you aim also mattered I think (in FIFA 99 aiming opposite to goal = ground volley, aiming towards goal = high shot/header). I think it was a simple enough system and I think it still somewhat works this way on FIFA but (at least in my own personal experience) it seems too random so I'm not 100% sure.|||

No, I doubt that very much. Besides, I'm not sure when being 50 yards from goal with two defenders to beat became a manifest chance to score.
The player thought that trapping the ball was necessary. Either because you told him to with L2/LT (and that's exactly what would happen if you did), or because he mistakenly thought that he had to reach out and gather the ball rather than running onto it. In which case it's a bug in the anims/ai that controls that sort of decision, not some unlikely conspiracy.
Off the top of my head I can't recall experiencing this myself; I'll keep an eye out for it.
The second video is annoying when it happens. Less frequently than in the World Cup game, fortunately. It's as if the defender decides too early that he's going to chest it, when you should have more opportunity to make a late panic clearance that overrides it.

It was a manifest chance to score. In those circumstances I had 90% chance of scoring, I know it, because I've done it before.|||

I remember on older FIFAs, if you hold the shoot button (or press it once) it'd be a header, and if you double tap the button (then hold the button if you like for more power/elevation) it'd be a volley. The direction of where you aim also mattered I think (in FIFA 99 aiming opposite to goal = ground volley, aiming towards goal = high shot/header). I think it was a simple enough system and I think it still somewhat works this way on FIFA but (at least in my own personal experience) it seems too random so I'm not 100% sure.

I used to prefer it like this. At the moment, there are loads of occasions where I'll play a ball with the intentions of volleying it, but it will end up a mis-timed, weak header.
More sophistication would be great. Currently I find there are too many possibilities with what may/may not happen when the ball's in the air.

re: the OP.
it looks like an animation error to me, based on the angle of the pass and the fact that the pass went right to the players feet.
if it was a through ball and played in front of him, it would have been ok, but it looks as though the game threw out the wrong animation.
The 2nd video... happens all the time, and yes, this needs to be looked at. It's happened to me loads, where you press to head clear and nothing happens.
Plus you get a second of delay where you cannot do anything about it, by which time you've been barged out of the way and they've scored.|||

re: the OP.
it looks like an animation error to me, based on the angle of the pass and the fact that the pass went right to the players feet.
if it was a through ball and played in front of him, it would have been ok, but it looks as though the game threw out the wrong animation.
The 2nd video... happens all the time, and yes, this needs to be looked at. It's happened to me loads, where you press to head clear and nothing happens.
Plus you get a second of delay where you cannot do anything about it, by which time you've been barged out of the way and they've scored.

you're probably right, that's why I'm asking EA to fix it.. because it ruins the game, in my opinion.. Oh and I sent a through pass, so the players should've let the ball go through

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