Thursday, April 26, 2012

scuffed shots, celebrations and other animations

one of the big problems in fifa is that there are only 4 or 5 animations for shooting, controlling the ball, passing, dribbling ect, and only one animation for each skill or celebration. There is the Real-Time Physics Engine option, but that looks unlikely to be implemented any time soon.
When you shoot well wide, it always looks as if you meant to hit it there. There should be players slicing, scuffing and miscontrolling the ball a lot more.
One of the big problems for Personality Plus is that every animation in the game is perfect, so you'll see Joe Cole do a Rooney-esue bicycle kick, or Poulsen clutch the ball out of the air the way Messi would. Even if they miscontrol the ball, it doesn't hide the fact that their technique was immense, which just makes the game look unrealistic. The best example of this would be Weaker Foots, as there is no animation for using your weaker foot, you just do a rubbish shot, it's far too simple.
Bad players don't necessarily have to control the ball badly, but they should be controlling the ball in a much less efficient way. So they might have to turn their body to recieve it, they might hesitate for a fraction of a second, the ball might bobble a lot, or they may get it stuck it under their feet.
Celebrations annoy me, not only as there are only 2 players at a time celebrating together, but because they all seem so robotic, the 'one-knee fist-pump' the worst of them all. The 'calling-your-teammates-over' celebration is an example of how they go on for far too long making them look so devoid of passion and overall stupid.
Also, most lobbed passes in Fifa are half-heartedly followed through, when in reality the players hardly follow through at all. If you try to hit penalties or other shots hard with laces, you nearly always jump off the ground as you follow through, when players like Gerrard just take 2 steps to the penalty spot and smash the ball with no jumping and a massively less exaggerated follow through if none at all.
One of the most unreal animations in the game is how, when a ball is being played over a player's head, they can run without even looking at the ball, jump, twist in mid air, and chest the ball perfectly. If this happened in real life, Torres' first goal against Chelsea earlier in the season would never of happened, as Terry would've intercepted Kuyt's pass.

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