Thursday, April 26, 2012

Indoor mode

When there is such a massive cry out for indoor mode, how come it isn't anywhere?
Maybe make a patch for it, just a 5v5 mode or something. I am willing to give a few coins for it to be honest!
Hope you will make it soon :)
Arestin|||Definitely :)
I'd also like it to become an option for the arena, and you play with your online friends and such. One indoor stadium would be a great (re-)start though.|||I'd rather see the devs efforts concentrated in real football. There is so much things to improve in the grass that I consider a waste of time worrying about an indoor mode. Sorry, but there's no free lunch...|||Idd smartchanuck! :) One indoor skin to make, how hard can it be??
And Konrad, some of us actually like the indoor mode more than outdoor. I think its more intense and funny tbh. Even I could make a skin for an indoor mode. And as Smartchanuck says, it could just be as an option in the arena. Would be fine imo.|||

Idd smartchanuck! :) One indoor skin to make, how hard can it be??

You'd be suprised... :)|||Maybe a good opportunity for EA to finally explore DLC and the use of its "store" in the game, but I'd prefer EA to focus on fixing and improving the existing modes before adding anything else.|||

Idd smartchanuck! :) One indoor skin to make, how hard can it be??

You'd be suprised... :)

Yeah it's always easier for us to suggest things compared to how hard they actually are to implement.
Still, you can already play 5-a-side if you like in practice mode (on a big pitch), previous FIFAs had an "invisible wall" unlockable to create an indoor feel (but again, on a big pitch), in the early years of FIFA indoor mode was a standard thing that made it through at least one generation, and finally the Wii version of FIFA11 already has an indoor/street mode:

Plus on PC you can mod the game (at least the last time I had a PC version) to make the playing area of the pitch smaller, and the players would adapt accordingly.
All this makes me feel that while it's definitely not an easy task, it's also not impossibly hard (in terms of AI, physics..etc).

As max suggests, perhaps this sounds perfect for a DLC (if it'll be a bit more involved than one simple indoor arena), online component would be huge; I enjoy Clubs but it'd also be fun to play in a smaller arena with only human players :)
I also agree with him that right now other game modes (CM especially) need tons of work. If we can get both from EA though it'd be awesome :)|||Why do you want to play indoor football? Buy FIFA Street if you want this.

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