Thursday, April 12, 2012

Two good ideas for fifa 12 clubs !

Alright my first idea for fifa 12 clubs is that when you enter the match room it takes you into a separate online arena where you can play and have a kick about with your mates whilst you wait for your other team mates to join and then when you are all ready you click start choose your positions and search for a game.
My second idea is that everybody starts off with all the default rubbish players rated like 70 or whatever for their pro club but the more games that you play and win as a team the more skill points you get and these points can be used to purchase real life players in the game so for example messi could be worth 3000 skill points and eboue could be worth like 700 or something. This way you don't have to put up with rubbish default players that constantly let your team down ! and each pro club is given a star rating based on the ratings of the players you have brought with your skill points and the overall of your pro's and when you search for a match to play you can only be put up against teams with the same star rating as yours this makes the game more fair.

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