Friday, April 20, 2012

Saving Two Starting Line-ups

Just a quick idea this because it's something that frustrates me quite a lot which could be fairly easily rectified. Ok so we've all done this in Career Mode a mid-week League Cup match comes around, your first 11 are due a rest so you basically play your younger or reserve players to get them experience or fitness work.
But you have to go in to Team Management and chop and change almost your whole team manually so that's 22 player moves which with FIFA's current user interface can take quite some time. Especially when you factor in a potential change of formation and tactics as well. Then when the next league game comes round you have to do it allllllll again to put things back how they were.
So why not just allow us to save two different starting elevens? That would mean just one change for cup/league games and no hassle of constantly chopping and changing. You could also use this for two different styles maybe a home setup and an away setup perhaps or a different team you'd use in Europe when compared to in domestic competitions.
I know its a small thing but it would relive a lot of frustration for a lot of people who like to try youngsters and trial players etc.
Small change, big impact.|||It is always a good idea to have something that cuts the amount of faffing down. The potential problem with just having two starting line-ups and no adaptability there is that it relies on your team being the same, and means you have to resave the line-ups every time you sell or buy players.
IMO the best solution is an assistant manager who you could tell to pick, say, your strongest XI, or a reserve XI, or your most in-form XI, or a good balance of fitness+form+ability. The game should have such things to help the opposition pick their line-up; all that is needed is for the user to be able to use that function (and for it to not put Giggs at RB etc).
Just my 2p, but as I said anything that makes the whole thing easier is a big step in the right direction.|||I think it's good to have both ways, to have the ability to save 2 (or more) starting lineups (with their own formations and what not) and pick the one I like depending on the match, and to have an assistant manager that I can tell to pick the best available squad based on one of the criteria HoB suggested.|||It would certainly be useful to be able to save separate team sheets, even partially complete ones. My idea to facilitate this would be to move away from having a full list of players on your teamsheet as is the case now (first team, subs, reserves) and instead keep the pool of players separate and drag players from the pool to complete the starting 11 or subs places. It can quite easily be done and would work in a similar way to Ultimate Team where you can save multiple squads, complete or incomplete, same players in one or many different squads. Different formation assigned to each if required.
Not only would this help with picking reserve teams for cup matches but would also help tactics. You might have a home team sheet, an away team sheet, a cup team sheet, European, friendly etc etc. The technology is already there in Ultimate Team and just needs brining over to Career Mode.|||Perhaps instead of just starting 11's then we open this up to a "Team Profile" which consists on a first 11, subs, a custom tactic and formation. So essentially everything you can come up with as a manager both tactically and personel wise in one saved pre-set.
You could have as many as you like in theory for different situations, matches, competitions.
Thinking outside of the box here :)
I'll be honest a PES style interface would sort most of this out in one swoop.|||

It would certainly be useful to be able to save separate team sheets, even partially complete ones. My idea to facilitate this would be to move away from having a full list of players on your teamsheet as is the case now (first team, subs, reserves) and instead keep the pool of players separate and drag players from the pool to complete the starting 11 or subs places..

I was just about to post something similar in the CM thread and then i saw this one. Great idea.
Even if you could just save two or three template starting 11's which you can edit when you apply them. So i want to play my cup starting 11, i apply it, but one of the players is injured, so i'm prompted to swap that player out before i can start.
|||This would be a start as the whole experience of managing a team is just not there at the moment, you're just shuffling names and stats about.
There needs to be far more interaction between the Manager and his players, you need to feel like it means something when you pick a youth player for his first team start, or drop a first team star to the bench for a big game due to poor form. At the moment we have none of this in the game and to be honest the way the whole e-mail system works at the moment is shocking.
Man management just does not exist in the game and this needs to be addressed badly...|||

Then when the next league game comes round you have to do it allllllll again to put things back how they were.

If you set up your team on the 'Team Management' just before the game (it's the same menu as 'Play Game'), the changes you make only apply to that match. Then you don't have to reset your team afterwards.|||It's what I do (on the main Team Management screen I have my usual starting 11 and formation..etc, then depending on the match I make changes on the Team Management screen that you access before kickoff). However you're still doing that about 20 times a season and it certainly can be made easier on the user if we can quickly load up different lineups and only make manual adjustments for the 1 or 2 unavailable players (compared to swapping 11+ players).|||

It's what I do (on the main Team Management screen I have my usual starting 11 and formation..etc, then depending on the match I make changes on the Team Management screen that you access before kickoff). However you're still doing that about 20 times a season and it certainly can be made easier on the user if we can quickly load up different lineups and only make manual adjustments for the 1 or 2 unavailable players (compared to swapping 11+ players).

I agree. And also you can't acces the pre-game team management, if you for example have a 1-match suspension (or injury, but that usually lasts for multiple games, so makes sense not to do it per-game)|||Spot on. In career mode you should have the option to have atleast 2-3 squads saved. This was suggested last year aswell, but sadly EA took no notice..|||

Spot on. In career mode you should have the option to have atleast 2-3 squads saved. This was suggested last year aswell, but sadly EA took no notice..

Well hopefully we can make them notice this year :)
I just think anything which reduces the time scrolling through menu's would be a good thing. If you think over the course of a year how much time you spend waiting for the autosave between menu's and scrolling up and down the figures would be frightening I'm sure.

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