Thursday, April 12, 2012

Heres some feedback...

Online play where Pro is concerned heres the following issues that you wont resolve.
Button Delay happens quite alot.
Pro ranked match bug - whenever i play a pro ranked match 8 times out of 10 i will be a different player with the number 99 NOT my pro which is VERY annoying.
Random freezing of the game whilst in a match these freezes can be up to 10 minutes.
Lag - this always happens.
Average rating system - it sucks change it.
GK movement - the Goalkeepers you gave us to control are complete retards they are very sticky to play with and often cost you goals because of the lack of maneuverability.
You love taking money and releasing games (with loads of bugs) but when it comes to fixing them you don't care.
You are a legal version and a much larger version of a F*****G * MERCHANT.
sort it out EA you never fail to disappoint.|||I agree with you on the points that you're making. The lag and freeze situation is irritating as f**k. And the goalies are way under par, but this (as many other things) seems to have to do with which way the game flows. Goalies running outside the 16 yard box when a defender is closing in on the ball, stumbling the ball into the path of a forward.
Another bug that I posted in my own topic on the matter is the placement of defenders on corners.
If you're defending a corner, on occasion your central defenders will place themselves outside the 16 yard box and cover NO ONE, while a midfielder covers the attacking teams defenders. This results in goals or shots on goals.
I tested it a few days ago, and in four games I conceded 3 goals on corners and scored 5. And on EVERY corner that ended with a goal, the defending side had the central defenders placed either outside the box or way behind the back post.

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