Thursday, April 12, 2012

Suggest New Animations Here

:) That's right, it's me making an animations thread.
It's going to be around about the time that EA are looking for new animations and will be booking out the massive mo-cap studio in the centre of EAC to get them implemented.
So what animations do you want to see added, mo-capped or not? They can be signature running styles/celebrations/tricks, or they can be much more fundamental stuff like defensive leaders pointing to tell a team-mate to mark a man, intelligent players glancing up before receiving a pass, players helping each other up after a foul (or offering a hand and the other guy dismissing his offer angrily), players remonstrating with the referee after a team-mate is booked, maybe a defender and an attacker arguing off the ball after a physical tussle.
Post away...|||Players taking a corner raising their hands (i.e. to indicate they're just about to take it)
More frustrated goalkeeper animations. i.e. when he's just conceded, remonstrating with his own players, ref, linesmen, himself.
Animation where you're just about to lose your balance and you run quite low and it's 50/50 whether you'll keep balance or not, but you do (this is a horrible explanation, but I know what I mean :) )
Like to see players talking to/surrounding the ref after a questionable dangerous free kick or pen is given, but not a cutscene.
bit of a weird one, but I'd like to see players pull up with hamstring injuries whilst sprinting, hop up and down whilst holding the back of the leg, then do the roly poly finger action to the bench to indicate they need to be subbed. Too much? :)|||Yeah I'd also like to see, say on a counter attacks or set-pieces, defenders (and keeper) pointing out in the direction of attackers that need marking (in fact I want this to be an actual function, meaning if I'm an LCM running back, I want to tell the CB to take care of a threat up field and let me handle the ball carrier or something).

Also, keepers getting a lot more frustrated with their defenders after a close chance or a goal (although should depend on personality so some keepers are calmer than others). I wanna see Tim Howard losing it :)
Frustration is probably something I'd like to see more of for all players. Rooney missing target ten times will be increasingly more frustrated than say Ronaldinho.

Edit: ah yes, I'd also like to see players slipping and losing balance when changing direction too sharply (easier to lose balance on wet conditions and snow, or as players get more tired). It should impact your speed/acceleration just enough to stop running around the pitch chasing the ball.|||Yeah agree with the frustration being a big part of the game.
Like in clubs for instance, when someone shoots and my players give the "I was here, in space... you bell end :) pass to me." kinda animation, it never fails to make me think "yep, that's exactly how I feel :) Sometimes my VP can be punching the air at the referee calling a free kick and I'm like "hell, it shoulda been a red :) "|||The elvis celebration in the corner flag.
Kissing the camera celebration.
VPs with real beards.
The Grobbaler jelly legs when in goal against a penalty.
When a goalkeeper taps the ballover his crossbar, he hangs for a while of the crossbar.
Goalkeeper tapping the mud of his boots on the post before a goalkick.
A real looking crowd. They have been looking wooden for a long time.
Some large fan flags behind the goal for the big games.
Even Chelsea fans at the start with there tiny plastic 1s :)
Images of the clubs managers and of the subs on the bench.
Subs warming up.
Ball boys passing the balls back for throw ins.
Players using there shirts to dry the ball for throw ins on them rainy games. There is plenty of games in the rain :)
Variable weather. It doesnt rain for 90 mins all the time.
Animations of players faking being elbowed in the face when challenging headers.
Linesman checking boots before they come onto pitch.
Changing the colour of your goal nets.
Maybe before the game, footage of fans entering the ground.
Images of fans holding there heads when loosing, or even some leaving the ground early.
Players going to the fans for away games and giving them a round of applause.
Get rid of that ticker tape.
Ill think of more later.|||Obviously,


I was pretty impressed with the improvements they made to tackling animations in FIFA11, so more of the same there, i guess just more, more, more all over the place.
Off the ball there are endless possibilities, Players shoving each other around the box for corners, Keepers shouting at the back line, defenders motioning to push up, players kicking the ball out when there is an injury (seriously nick, they really can happen), even something as daft as players kneeling down and sorting their boots/socks out would add something.
Good topic.
|||Man there are masses of more animations I'd love to see in the game, most have been touched on such as the variation in injuries and general non game play reprimanding and arguments.
I fear EA are going for a very sanitized approach with the game regarding these, it's part and parcel of the game so I can't understand why they can't be included? We're not asking for spurting blood and protruding bones, just real injury scenarios!...
I'm also keen on the stumbling and loss of balance animations but I have a fear EA would use them as a leveler during play, such as the AI ESP...|||Yeah, the stumbling, stooping animation would be nice as long as it didn't become an annoyance as it can do in PES!
The Berbatov whinge I agree with too, Smeltz - pretty much any match where he and Nani are both on the pitch will involve Berba holding his arms out or complaining when Nani shoots instead of passing to him.
I did mean to say it'd also be cool if keepers high fived their defenders, or if people ran up and congratulated a keeper for a penalty save. There are the player celebrations where (only) two players can interact - why not carry that tech across to other parts of the game (and increase the numbers if possible)?
It happens once in a blue moon in FIFA 11, despite it being something they were meant to have added this year. Two or three players per side should be able to go for the ball if such a situation arises. Not one per side, or once in a while 2v1.|||Yes, even if they are not "locked on" defenders and strikers for that matter need to be seen to be making an effort to get the ball on crosses and corners!..
I'd also like to see more players throwing something at a ball, be it a foot or a head. Even in sheer desperation. the number of times you see a good ball just go bast a player who stubbornly refuses to do anything... :)|||- Kicking the ball while lying on the ground. Just because you're down, does not mean you're out of the game.
- Players patting the goalkeeper on the back after a good save, or patting another defender after a crucial tackle. (Also patting the rear end happens very often in real life)
- Defenders shielding an attacker from a ball going out of play for a goalkick.
- Goalkeeper stopping a weak ball with his foot, picking it up if an attacker comes too close (time wasting).
- Goalkeeper getting pushed/fouled during corners/crosses when a lot of players are in the area.
- Goalkeeper swinging from the top-post when saving/clearing a shot over the top. :)
- Short layoffs, for example pushing the ball slightly to the side to an incoming player for the shot (like when you layoff the ball on a 2-person freekick)
- Players missing the ball completely (kicking the air) f.ex. on volleys or other hard shots.
- More handball animations (this could be connected to a stat, to determine how good the player is at keeping his arms at his side). Flailing arms when jumping for headers (jump skill), lifting the arm to protect the head from a hard shot or cross (bravery), stopping a sure goal (Suarez :) - intelligence)
- Briefly knocked out players (getting hit in the private area, head, stomach)
- Jumping off someones back (this is a freekick - 2 players wait for a high ball, then the back player puts his hands on the front players shoulders, and lifts up, while the front player is pinned)
- Small fights, mainly between rival teams (not literally fighting, but excessive arguing, the other teams players circling an opponent after a horrific foul f.ex)
- Lifted elbows (freekick)
- Fair play (player offering a hand up after committing a freekick, applausing the referee after a fair ruling, laughing with players of the same nationality from the opposing team, kids holding the team players hands at big events, opponents checking if a player is ok after a knock-down, stretching opponents leg after a cramp)
- Injury animations (getting picked up on a stretcher, getting cramps, touching the injured area (shoulder, head, leg, back etc.), dislocated/broken bones (imagine seeing your top player sitting on the field screaming, pointing at his leg sticking out at an angle), heads getting wrapped in cloth after a head collision)
- Shoes and leg-protectors flying off
- Shirt pulling (freekick)
Edit: Rear end and private area were other (non-offensive) words before, but got filtered. Jesus...
|||For handballs, yeah I'd like to see more aware/experienced defenders put their hands behind their backs while a striker is approaching, and getting inside, the penalty area. Handballs right now are too random.|||Hoping they can sort out the snow animation also. Might just be me, but me eyes hurt after a game in the snow. Its so bright and blinding. I really cant remember a game that starts with that much snow.|||I'll leave the off the ball/non gameplay things to others but there are a few things I'd like there to be a lot more animations for:
Firstly though I'd quite like it if I could postion my player even if he is having a moan/whinge about a foul - it normally drags them out of position for the quick free kick and not being able to move them is extremely annoying!! Likewise with strikers when they didn't receive the ball.
It would be great to see more animations for:
Goalkeepers - saves, catches, gestures with ball in hands etc. Maybe it's me but this all seems a bit same same, and often I think the animations for Parrying the ball have been omitted this year - just seems to hit them and bounce of at the moment.
Jostling/Fighting for posession - it's all a bit limited at the moment, the offensive player never seems to hold off or slap away the defender when he muscles in on him. Especially when you are side on to the defender. Lots of new animations there would be great especially for attacking players holding off defenders or keeping them at arms length waiting for support to arrive.
Shooting - a lot more context sensitive animations relative to a) ball position etc.
Tackling - again more variety would be nice, especially for 'auto tackle' (which I hope/pray becomes user controlled) they did some nice work in this area moving from F10 to F11 so just greedily hoping for more of the same.
Control/First Touch - it would be amazing to see real quality players take great first touches in the air - right now controlling arial passes in FIFA 11 is all handled by 1 thing - chesting the ball. If they have to chest the ball it would be nice if the ability to chest it into the direction you wish to head was introduced and so new animations for that. Also I present for your consideration this:

"Bendy's" touch for that goal was sublime. Even though I said real quality players just above, more options for controlling arial passes whilst not having to head 5 yards back towards the passer would definitely be a good inclusion/improvement!
Pitches - Here is one that I've never seen mentioned. Every pitch plays like a snooker table at the cruicible, no matter what. The only variation is the weather. Rainy matches = slower, Dry = faster etc. Why are all pitches perfectly flat? It would be interesting to see some bobbly/rubbish pitches in there which limits the ability to play free flowing football and has you looking for either a more direct route or more dribbling etc to compensate. Probably a pipe dream though, maybe one day!
Would be good to see injured players getting stretchered off, waiting on the touchline to come back on etc. At the moment injured players sit on the floor and then get back up. That could do with some proper animations and then it would be nice to see them gingerly running off the injury or signalling to the bench they could continue at which point you would need to sub them. would help add to the realism and immersion for me at least.
Anywhoo, thats just a few for me - great thread!
Riche|||^ do agree with the pitches. You see the state of Wigans the other day :) I can read your posts now Rich thnx :)|||

Would be good to see injured players getting stretchered off, waiting on the touchline to come back on etc. At the moment injured players sit on the floor and then get back up. That could do with some proper animations and then it would be nice to see them gingerly running off the injury or signalling to the bench they could continue at which point you would need to sub them. would help add to the realism and immersion for me at least.

Hmm, that kinda already happens, apart from the stretcher bit.
@ Mush, I don't think handballs are that random tbh, I think in fact they're predictable i.e. crossing in from the wings will see more handballs than is possibly imaginable, and the occasional shot, that's about it, handballs pretty much don't happen anywhere else on the pitch.

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