Friday, April 20, 2012

Longer replay videos...

I know this is a largely cosmetic change, but people are always posting videos of goals etc on here, and more often than not, it's pretty boring watching them.
Mainly because you only get the finish.
It would be much better to be able to save replays for longer and get more of the build-up move.
The implications? Obviously we're looking at much bigger file size and memory usage if the game is storing larger chunks of games.
I know people record full games and stick them on youtube, so maybe the solution lies in recording games with different technology, or maybe it's impractical.
Either way, even doubling the length would give more insight into goals.|||This has been a long time coming! I say triple the length, assuming it's like 0:05 - 0:06 (seconds ~ min:secs) right now. And give us the option to create Loops and Dynamic angle swings.|||The other part (that's an extension to this) is that highlights shouldn't be just the first 10 of the match as you currently can lose second half goals as they aren't recorded.
Increasing the number of highlight segments would help with this or working a priority structure; goals > saves > cards > misses or something like that.|||

The other part (that's an extension to this) is that highlights shouldn't be just the first 10 of the match as you currently can lose second half goals as they aren't recorded.
Increasing the number of highlight segments would help with this or working a priority structure; goals > saves > cards > misses or something like that.

For me goals are the priority and hitting posts.

For replay length, I think it's 10-11 seconds right now, if it gets to 15-20 range I'd be happy. Of course that's assuming the increase in FIFA players (and increased usage of the replay upload feature) will be matched with improvements to EA servers to host those bigger replay files.
Not sure if it's feasible, but maybe you can limit users to a total length of 1 minute rather than 5 fixed upload slots of 12 seconds? .. What I mean is, say I'd like to upload a 30 second replay because I like the build-up of a goal. I can upload that, but it means I can only have two of these (or any combination of replay lengths that adds up to 1 minute). It may not sound too useful, but I could download that video and upload it on youtube to free up my allocated storage so I can upload more replays.
Also I do like the option of uploading to YouTube directly as it makes it easier to share, but I suppose EA would like to keep it within the EA Sports site (which to be fair is not a bad deal, just need to improve the sharing and user-friendliness of the site).

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